I had just realized a link from www.organic-ally.co.uk is not working properly. This is because the original article is now being protected by a paywall although the original article was published before the paywall went up. The critical details are here: By: Anna Shepard Eco-Worrier Published at 12:00AM, February 23 2008 Q Is it better to use tissues or real handkerchiefs? A Hankies all the way. Kinder on the nose, they also save trees and reduce landfill. A tissue is a one-use-only product. Needless to say, if you don’t use the recycled variety, you are using virgin fibre fresh from the forest, which requires a significant amount of energy to transform into a silky-smooth tissue. Under Health and Safety regulations you can’t recycle tissues as they are considered contaminated. Composting them is the best disposal method, but I know that when I have a stinking cold the amount of tissue I get through would overwhelm my wormery. According to the European T...