PPI: Please Pass (on) Information

I was reminded to write about this after reading another news item today about PPI.

Just last week I had an elderly client at the advice agency where I do some work present a letter demanding some £700 for getting his £1700 PPI claim back.

Seven hundred eye-watering pounds for something the Client could have got for free. All he needed to do was complete a form to churn out a letter. Go to websites like Adviceguide, Moneysavingexpert and Which.

Worse still, this "claims handler" alleged that the bank had duly refunded the Client and so the Client should cough up the commission within seven days, or risk having bailiffs at his door. The bank however tells the Client that this claims handler is not even a registered claims handler. O dear!

Meanwhile poor guy gets sucked further and further into debt while his blood pressure goes higher and higher. Were they a bogus company simply trying to frighten an old man into giving them £700? Who knows?

If you know friends, family or neighbours in this situation, ask them to seek help as soon as possible. Citizens Advice is a good stop. Older people could go to Age UK. There will also be other local not-for-profit groups willing to help.

For information about what to do with unwanted cold calls and texts (England only): http://www.adviceguide.org.uk/england/news/news-archive/whats_new_dec12_how_to_deal_with_unwanted_ppi_texts.htm

Help with dealing with nuisance calls, live and automated (not just PPI):


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