Blast from the past
Out of the blue a former classmate emailed to say my year group at secondary school has started an online group, please join. So I dutifully did. First I read the posts and was tickled pink by several posts. Us 'old girls' have a great sense of humour indeed. Nostalgia struck as some of us recalled happy and less-than-happy events, but boy! it makes me feel old. But the good thing about the year group is, of course, everyone knows exactly how old you are, and there is no need to pretend to be anything else. It was the Singlish that surprised me. We were in the 'premier school' in Singapore. We were taught to speak 'proper'. And now this bunch of old girls -- 'housewives', teachers, doctors, accountants, etc. -- are speaking/writing a language that we were not allowed to speak. I'm sure these old girls don't speak to their children and business associates like this either. How interesting is that? So I have already been chastised for writing too ...