What's the point? (Why I Hate Shopping, Part III)

The lines in front of "customer service" at M&S after Christmas. And Next, and BHS, and you name it.

Gift-buyers labour over what to buy before Christmas and recipients labour over returning these gifts straight after Christmas.

What's the point? Stick to gold, frankincense and myrrh the next time?

Years ago before husband became boyfriend: What would you like for Christmas?

Me: I don't need anything for Christmas.

Him: I didn't say "What do you need?". What do you want for Christmas.

Me: I don't want anything for Christmas.

His aunt insists on buying us stuff and she has to lug it all the way to us on the Tube. This year she is only allowed to buy us both a box of chocolates and a book for our son. I bet she'd show up at the door laden with pressies.

I shall have to say to her, as if she was at the airport: Sorry, Ma'am, the parcels have gone past the weight limit. We can't accept this.

The thing is she had rung to ask my son what else he would like for Christmas apart from the book How to beat your Dad at Chess. Son did not want anything else.

What's the point?

Back to Organic-Ally.


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