Big Shop, Little Shop 2

I filled in all the details for the little shop to get a repeat prescription for my husband, and then realized that he had exhausted his number of repeats and needed to see the GP for a review.

I duly made an appointment for him, having had to hang on the phone for 10 minutes or so waiting for the automated system to get to the end of the day for his appointment.

After his appointment, I trotted off to the chemist. They didn't have enough of medicine X so I arranged to collect two days later.

When I did the chemist was on the phone but came off the phone to tell me that the GP had prescribed husband the wrong medication, so the prescription has to go back to the GP.

"But he runs of out of his medication tomorrow."

"Don't worry," he assured me. The chemist had in fact phoned the GP to notify her that she had made a mistake, a serious mistake. He had filled the prescription with the correct medication as directed by the GP on the phone, but the prescription itself needed to be sent back to the surgery for correction, or something like that.

The names of the drugs were very similar. "If your husband had taken this, he would have died."

I thought that was a bit over-dramatic, but he IS trying to win my business.

"Had you gone to B--ts, they would have given it to you and he'd be in trouble."

I said, "I don't think so as they have his records there and so must check to make sure."

It must have been the end of a very long day for the doctor. She must have clicked on a drug in a (so-called user-friendly) drop-down menu and 'missed', or mis-read, who knows? The drug she prescribed is apparently for people with a very rare nasty genetic disease and so the chemist was surprised to come across it. The other drugs on the prescription indicate he had another disease. Besides, the chemist's wife is on the same medication as my husband. In fact they have the same consultant. We had talked about this earlier.

So we were very grateful that this mistake was caught in time.

Little shops do provide a different kind of service. When will the business school gurus begin to preach 'bigger is not necessarily better'? I wonder.

Back to Organic-Ally.


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