Granny Smith loves her Postie (part 2)

What a relief I saw my postie this morning! It's the same guy.

Last week I had the privilege of receiving a proper letter. Not a bill, not a statement, not a flyer to the "Office Products Buyer" with an offer, but a letter.

It's from a women's charity helping women suffering domestic violence. It was asking for a donation for a November fund-raising event.

Since I had also been very much involved with the local women's centre I really wanted to do my part. I decided to send on two new sets of Hemp Table Napkins embroidered with my original designs for their raffle.

When I say 'original' I mean I use either my own or a non-copyrighted idea/concept and then digitize it using my embroidery software, going into the tiny details of the stitchwork to get the 'picture' right. This usually involves hours and hours of painstaking and finger-squeezing mouse-work.

The two sets of colour-co-ordinated Christmas theme Table Napkins are as follows:

(Unfortunately my photography skills are not great.)

I sent these off yesterday by Recorded Delivery (First Class) with the hope that it would get to its destination before the postal strike begins. "First Class" means it should, normally, get there the next day.

Guess what? The last time I checked, the parcel had not arrived. (In fact another parcel I posted First Class by Recorded Delivery last Friday has not arrived either.)

Which means it would be caught in the backlog of the strike action. Not a happy bunny.

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