
Oats as a gift?

Chinese New Year is upon us soon, this Sunday, and I'm feelings the pangs of homesickness a bit during times like this. For some reason we have not been able to get to Oriental City or the nearby Chinese supermarkets to top up on festive supplies. So when husband came home with a tin of goodies from M, his Malaysian colleague, I was delighted. When son came home this evening he asked to try the thin wafer-like biscuits he'd seen me eating. 'I'd like to try the oats,' he said. I could not understand why he kept calling the biscuits (which we call 'love letter') 'oats'. Then I realized that he was reading the label on the tin the 'love letters' were in. It was indeed a 'Quaker Oats' tin. What son did not realize was that M had re-used a tin for the 'love letters'. She had also taken the trouble to cut out a Chinese character ('happiness', gold on red background, very auspicious colours) and stuck it on the top of the tin

Hand up not hand-outs

When we ponder the issues of sustainability, disaster response and international aid, one cannot help but wonder if bigger organizations with their economies of scale or the small NGOs (espousing the 'small is beautiful' principle) with their local knowledge are better placed to serve the needs of those who need the help most. It is blatantly clear now that giving money does not help. Billions of pounds of aid have been given to/through corrupt governments and the evidence of improvement on the ground is zilch. My cousin and her husband work 'at the coal face' so to speak in supporting victims of major disasters. Raising the money is not a problem. It's getting the permission from corrupt governments to rebuild (eg after the tsunami) that so frustrates. Government departments, cronies of rulers, bureaucracy all stand in the way of people with the ability to help. I go for the holistic approach. Joined-up thinking you might choose to call it. It's not good giving

It's not nice being not nice

I spend most Friday mornings helping to run a parent-and-toddler (PNT) group checking in toddlers and their parents/carers at the reception desk. There are lots of health and safety issues in the current climate and we are careful that people are accounted for. In case of fire, for example, I am supposed to grab the attendance cards and run. In the area where this group is run (by volunteers at a local church), there is a great demand for PNT places. Childminders are now required by OFSTED or OF-whatever government department to take the children they care for to a PNT group. But it's volunteers like us who run such groups. The government is not giving money to set up PNT groups and yet they require childminders to attend such groups. Perhaps a reader could enlighten me on how the logic works. In a normal PNT group, children grow up, go to school, move on, and another toddler could take its place. As a result of this blinkered policy, childminders clog up the vacancies we have and

Applying science to society

In academia there's always the purists (or theorists) versus the applied people. The former deals with concepts and often intangibles and some might even say untestables. The latter (and I fall very much into this group) is concerned with applying knowledge to the real world. I was really pleased to find this site: Basically it's scientists helping us to understand and argue for/against different applications of science. There are articles about organic cotton and organic farming: Back to Organic-Ally .

Assaulted at our own front door

Saturday afternoon and we all look forward to family time, right? Door bell rings and a man tries to sell husband 'cheap phone calls'. Not interested, said he, as our phone bill is so small in the first place. An hour later, door bell rings again. This time, pretty young girl talks to him. Our phone rings and I had to get up from my sewing machine to answer the phone. Caller: [well, actually I couldn't make out what he was trying to say]. Me: Who do you want to speak to? Caller: [still can't make out what he was trying to say, but no mention of name I could identify]. Me: I think you've got the wrong number. Caller [shouting]: Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Pizza! Order pizza. Me: Not pizza. We don't sell pizza. Caller [shouting even louder]: Order pizza. Me: No pizza. Wrong number. Private home. Caller: Pizza! I hung up. He didn't even say "sorry". While at the door husband tells pretty young thing, 'No, I'm not interested.' Prett

Sustainable development or sustainable population?

I am pleased somebody far more qualified than I am in this matter said it first. In view of what I wrote in my last blog on GM technology being touted as the saviour of starving populations in years to come, Professor Rapley's call to go back to basics to discuss first of all how many people this earth could reasonably sustain seems common sense. See Population size 'green priority' and Earth is too crowded for Utopia . Comments? Back to Organic-Ally .

Salty Padi Fields

Backache and a crick in the neck have prevented me from writing as much as I wanted to. We missed the first of the Ri (ie Royal Institution) Christmas Lectures on TV. The rest we taped and watched together with our son. He enjoyed it thoroughly. Aimed especially at children, Sir John Krebs made science surrounding "Food Matters" so very accessible. Why can't all teachers bring lessons alive like that? Sir John tried to debunk several myths about food. Most of these points are just common sense when we think of it. But the demonstrations and visual aids were effective in putting the messages across. Then he touched on "Food for the Future" and the controversial GM foods. Mention "GM" and we conjure up pictures of GM crops contaminating other crops to produce "superweeds" which cannot be controlled. Sir John did not dwell on this. Instead he discussed the possibility that a food like rice could be genetically modified so that it can be grown in

What about sustainable development?

I went to bed last night thinking about how unsustainable the current consumer-driven economy is and woke up this morning to read: 90% underground water in China polluted . Cities in northern China have been the most polluted with increasingly more pollutants, causing economic losses worth of [sic] dozens of billions of US dollars.  When I say (in many places in this blog and on Organic-Ally ) that buying 'cheap' has its long-term repercussions, readers might think that I am a snob. So perhaps I should change my tune and say 'cheap' is not sustainable.  Just before Christmas British fishermen were told that their quota of cod that could be landed is to be reduced by 5% (if I remember correctly). Demand for cod has led to over-fishing in the North Sea. Even juvenile fish have been landed resulting in their not being able to reproduce, thus further reducing the stock of cod. Very soon, there won't be any cod and the cod fishermen will simply have nowt. Is this sustai

How to have a stress-free Christmas

It has been my most stress-free Christmas. I have memories of in-laws rushing about fretting over bread sauce and stuffing and the lot, mum-in-law lamenting that my table was not dressed properly as I did not have any table decorations. "O! I'll make you one next year." She hadn't noticed that we have a very narrow table and there is simply no room for decorations. As a Christian, I know full well that Christmas is about remembering the birth of Jesus and its implications on my personal life. It is also, for me, a celebration of time with loved ones. As someone who had spent several Christmases on my own when I first came to work in this country, Christmas is also a time to share hospitality with those with no family, as a sort of replay of that "no room at the inn" scenario. Last year, with husband being so ill that Christmas nearly had to be "cancelled" , I am thankful that he is in good health this year. In the run-up to Christmas I have been as

Cheap, plentiful, harmful Part II

I forgot to mention in my last post that retailers and supermarkets in UK have been up in arms about a EU proposal that seeks to stop China from "dumping" cheap plastic bags here. See article here . The article also tells us that every year an estimated 17.5 BILLION plastic bags are given away by supermarkets, equivalent to about 290 bags for every person in the UK." Well, I don't collect 290 bags a year, and neither does my husband nor my son. So someone else must be collecting our 290 x 3 bags every year. We are also told that "The average plastic bag made in China costs between 1p and 2p, although fancy bags used by fashion shops could cost double that. A retailer such as Marks & Spencer might use 200 million bags every year." The retailers are afraid that a tariff on these bags from China would increase their overheads. This proposed tariff has come about because "30 EU manufacturers complained that Asian competitors were selling bags for expo

Cheap, plentiful and this harmful

So there is a second toxic chemical spill in a China river today: The first spill, resulting from a Nov 13 explosion at a chemical plant upriver from Harbin, has reached Russia: Eventually, these harmful chemicals are going to reach the sea. According to a report in,1518,387392,00.html , authorities cited human error at a tower that processed benzene, a toxic, potentially cancer-causing chemical used in making plastics , detergents and pesticides . Here's some information about benzene: Another reason to reduce the use of plastic? Developed nations accuse China of being slack in their health and safety regime resulting in such environmental disasters. If there isn't a demand for cheap plastic and pesticides, would China be producing these chemicals in such quanti

This day last year

Is not a day I wish to re-live. Yet I cannot forget it. Until last year December 22nd was remembered as my late mother's birthday. Last year husband was so ill he didn't get a wink of sleep, and neither did I. He had to go to the toilet about, we've lost count, twenty times? during the night, throwing up both ends. He suffers from an inflammatory bowel disease and was on heavy medication with very undesirable side-effects. His condition was so serious that this standard medication did not work on him. He was also very susceptible to infection and something triggered off this horrendous flare-up. After that sleepless night I emailed family and friends all over the world to say: Pray! If he couldn't keep his food down, he would have to be put on a drip. That means being in hospital over Christmas. That would have been quite unthinkable for young son. I also needed wisdom as to what to feed him to get his energy back. Meanwhile, we had invited a girl who was going to be on

What's the point? (Why I Hate Shopping, Part III)

The lines in front of "customer service" at M&S after Christmas. And Next, and BHS, and you name it. Gift-buyers labour over what to buy before Christmas and recipients labour over returning these gifts straight after Christmas. What's the point? Stick to gold, frankincense and myrrh the next time? Years ago before husband became boyfriend: What would you like for Christmas? Me: I don't need anything for Christmas. Him: I didn't say "What do you need ?". What do you want for Christmas. Me: I don't want anything for Christmas. His aunt insists on buying us stuff and she has to lug it all the way to us on the Tube. This year she is only allowed to buy us both a box of chocolates and a book for our son. I bet she'd show up at the door laden with pressies. I shall have to say to her, as if she was at the airport: Sorry, Ma'am, the parcels have gone past the weight limit. We can't accept this. The thing is she had rung to ask my son what

Why do I hate shopping? Part II

I took my son and visiting nephew to lunch last Friday. Then son and I looked around a couple of shops for some reading material and shoes for him. At WHSmith I suddenly felt -- rather strangely -- hey! my phobia for shopping meant I am missing out on all this festive atmosphere. It's actually quite fun. There's a feeling of adrenalin in the air as people strive to complete their shopping. About twenty minutes later, after son had decided on the Horrid Henry book he wanted from another shop, we stepped out into the shopping precinct and I felt like we had been invaded. There were hordes of high school children out and about. They seemed to be hunting in packs. Some of them were behaving in such a manner that at least one shop pulled their doors half-shut and stationed a security guard at the door. I felt so threatened and son and I made our way out of those crowds as quickly as we could. I still hate shopping. Back to Organic-Ally .

How not to shop. Or Why do I hate shopping so much?

There is nothing in my size and colour and the heaving crowds put me off. My eyes get tired from looking at the range of clothes and useless items on display. I think of the poor girl/young lady/young man/boy paid a pittance for long hours of back-breaking, fine-finger work and I can't bear to part with money that would only fund the profligate lifestyle of the (often corrupt) owner/businessman who might just happen to be at the right place at the right time, or who network with the right people, or who have the means to make donations to certain political parties, or all of the above. There is no room in my wardrobe and until I throw out something that I have outgrown or needs replacing, I do not need another cheap jacket/blouse/skirt/pair of trousers, etc. And then only if I have the means to arrange for these to be recycled properly. Living simply does not mean living cheaply. It means learning how to spend one's money wisely. As an impoverished undergraduate I once bought


Our son came home from school last week with this in his school bag: Both Husband and I had a good chuckle. For those who find it difficult to decipher what he has written: It's entitled 'egg Poem' and it says "I am a stupid egg. I don't know a thing." He calls this a 'shape poem'. They had been doing one in the shape of a Christmas tree in class. Somehow he was inspired to do this during his 'golden time'. I was a bit concerned with the sentiment expressed. 'Do you feel you are stupid?' 'No, Mum, it's only a poem.' My boy is growing up so fast. Back to Organic-Ally .

Stamping out waste

The Royal Mail has announced that it is going to raise the price of its First Class stamps again. My son made a catapult out of two toilet roll cardboard tubes. What have the two in common? The humble elastic band. Son had collected two tubes. He asked for Mummy's help to make two diametrically opposite holes near the rim of the first tube. He cut up an elastic band, threaded it through these holes and stretched the elastic band across, and taped the ends of the band down the outside of the tube. The second tube he cut right down the side and snipped off a piece of it and joined it up together again with tape to turn it into a narrower tube. He then cut notches on diametrically opposite sides of one rim. This second (now) narrower tube is pushed, notched rim end first, into the first wider tube against the stretched elastic band. The notches in the inner tube ensures that the elastic band on the outer tube is properly engaged. He turns it over on the floor to get a grip on both tub

Tiffin on sale

Been very busy lately with fund-raising projects at son's school to organize and just back from a Christmas party we organize for parents-and-toddlers who come to our weekly groups. But I must tell you about what I discovered late last night. Bishopston , the people who supply my organic cotton fabric with which I make gift bags now sell a tiffin carrier for Christmas. Here's the link (sorry, link broken). If you've missed previous blogs about the use of a tiffin, you can catch up here , or here . I am not sure if they would still have these after Christmas. Back to Organic-Ally .

Men who multi-task

This piece has got nothing to do with the environment. It is just an observation I made recently. Last year I had the privilege of being awarded a research grant by the British Academy to conduct research on graduate stay-at-home mothers in Singapore. It was an interesting topic of study as mothers in Singapore are expected to work. Many leave their two-month-old infants to the care of foreign maids hardly out of their teenage years to return to full-time work. Graduate mothers, especially, are expected to return to work full-time after the 'investment' by the country in their university education. To quit work altogether to become a stay-at-home mother is very much counter-cultural. One of the most interesting interviews I conducted was with a woman engineer, a mother of three young children. As with every other interviewee she mentioned that one of the skills she honed as a stay-at-home mother is to multi-task. "I am talking to my friend on the phone while watching my ch

Wiping away ancient forests

For those who have not come to this blog via links I posted in other forums, this might be of interest: Destroying the Boreal Forest Back to Organic-Ally .

Dragons' Den or Parasites' Puddle?

I've watched two or three Dragons' Den programme so far and I was really cross with what I saw in the last programme. A Yorkshire man who invented a device that would save water when flushing toilets was slagged off for being an 'eco-warrior' and written off as uninvestible. He was deemed more interested in saving the world than succeeding in his business. This inventor-entrepreneur was described as arrogant and questions were raised about whether he expected people to look at their own p-- before flushing. This requires a change in habit and the 'Dragons' were not convinced that the device would sell. These 'Dragons' simply didn't get it, did they? The environment has come to such a state that people MUST change their habits and if there are gadgets and tools to help people to do so, then such are to be applauded. They have no idea how fast the market size for earth-friendly products is growing. (As an aside, there is such a high incidence of colon

Mustard Seed Conspiracy

A lay member of the congregation preached today and reminded us of what Jesus said about a mustard seed: MT 13:31 He told them another parable: "The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his field. 32 Though it is the smallest of all your seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and perch in its branches." I first read the book Mustard Seed Conspiracy by Tom Sine many years ago when I was asked to lead a three-session workshop at the Varsity Christian Fellowship Annual Conference on 'Living Simply'. I didn't like the title of the workshop. It implies that we must 'simplify', reduce and do without. In other words, be poor. As I mingled incognito with the undergraduates, it was clear that many of those coming to my workshop were there only because they did not get their first three choices of workshops and had to come to mine. Poor things! These ar

Home-made Gift Wr-pper

Or Killing Two Birds with One Stone I think single-use p-per* wr-pper is such a waste of space. I shan't rehearse the arguments against it here. But you can read more about it here . I've been presenting gifts to my son's classmates in my cloth gift bags . But I was stuck once when a gift didn't fit in any of the bags I have and I was still awaiting delivery of the new stock of organic cotton fabric I had ordered. Solution? It was the summer holiday and I needed to keep my son occupied. We did some potato printing. We'd done this when he was much younger and he enjoyed it. You know the pap-r that comes in parcels as p-ck-ging? I smooth these pap-rs out for making (star) charts and for son to draw on. You can also use these for potato printing, kitchen-roll rolling (tie and tape jute string around the cardboard roll, brush over with paint and roll onto pap-r to make lovely patterns) or simply sponging. We became a little 'factory' making pap-r wr-pper and use

What do rich people do for a treat?

Son won the Junior School Shield this week. (Yay!) The Shield is awarded each week to a different boy for different achievements apart from showing 'the most consideration for others'. The boys know that it is an honour and my son was delighted. When Husband came back and asked him what he wanted for a reward for that unexpected achievement, his answer was: eat in front of the TV. He was watching his Children's Bedtime Hour and all he wanted was eat in front of the TV. Obviously this is not something he is allowed to do. We make it a habit to sit down for dinner and the TV is always switched off at meals. Husband came into the kitchen where I was and chuckled, 'That's all he wanted, eat in front of the TV.' Which reminded me of a conversation we had in the run-up to our wedding. We were in Singapore with the friend who was going to give the 'exhortation' at our wedding, and his family. His wife worked with very rich children in an international school an

How green is your competence?

I'd just sent off a courier who's driven up from Bristol to get my signature on an important form and now must get it back to Leeds. It was a matter of urgency as we were haemorrhaging money with each passing hour. The root of this? Incompetence. A simple thing like a document sent by registered post was signed for and then mysteriously disappeared meant that this courier needed to drive those miles with one piece of paper in one envelope to get to me, and drive many more miles even further away (to a third destination) to stop this haemorrhage. Incompetence costs money, I've always known that. But it made me realise that incompetence, a lousy work ethos, a lack of initiative, ignorance, etc all contribute to unnecessary damage to this earth. It's not only just a question of what we eat and drink, or wear, how we use water and power, etc. Back to Organic-Ally .

How unethical would sir like his chicken?

So I ripped off the title from The Times writer Martin Samuel. This is his piece on how 'Our food is either cheap (yes, please) or organic (gosh, a bit pricey). Amazingly enough, you can't have both':,,171-1872148,00.html As I said before in my original website, BSE came about when people wanted to buy cheap. Cheap now often means a higher price further down the line. Changing the vegetarian diet of cattle led to disastrous results. The only people who did not get blamed for the BSE crisis were the consumers who wanted to buy cheap. There is a much higher price to buying cheap. Chicken is now cheap. As Martin Samuel said, this is achieved by 'putting fowl together in wire cages, with a legal space requirement per chicken that equates to three-quarters of a sheet of A4 paper'. So these chicken live and sleep in their own p--p (being very wary of the AdNoSense effect). Moral of the story: 'You can’t have cheap ethical chic

Fathers and Discipline

During our 'weekend away', the speaker also dwelt on discipline as we continued our study of the Book of Hebrews: HEB 12:7 Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as sons. For what son is not disciplined by his father? 8 If you are not disciplined (and everyone undergoes discipline), then you are illegitimate children and not true sons. 9 Moreover, we have all had human fathers who disciplined us and we respected them for it. The speaker shared of her knowledge of Chinese families where parents give no encouragement at all to their children. If they came back with 95% on a test, they are asked what happened to the five per cent they did not attain instead of commending their children for doing well. I understood what she said. Mother was the encourager. She was the one who checked my homework and made sure I had all my sums right. She expected me to go to university. I worried about not being able to pay tuition fees. She said, 'You just continue to work as you d

Running the marathon

I've just come back from a lovely church 'weekend away'. The speakers were missionaries out in Asia. We were looking in Hebrews 12 and how we are to 'run the race'. This was compared with running a marathon. There were also many references to Eric Liddell made famous in the film 'Chariots of Fire'. I first met the speaker many years ago in Bangkok on a mission trip. He later came to speak at my university and impressed on me the need to 'travel light' for those who are preparing to go into missionary service. I have taken that advice very literally. I left Singapore in 1991 with one suitcase to go into full-time Christian ministry. We sang the song 'Majesty' (Worship his majesty, unto Jesus be all glory, power and praise ....) and immediately it took me back to a Varsity Christian Fellowship camp on the beach back in Singapore, O, so many years ago. The question heavy on my mind was 'Where are all my mates from the Christian Fellowship al

Exams for under-threes

From which planet do our government ministers come from?,,172-1864565,00.html In a new Bill being proposed, under-threes in the care of nurseries and childminders will be legally required to be taught a National Curriculum. To be policed by Ofsted, this is to ensure that children are taught mathematics, reading and writing. Why? Because three-year-olds have been found to enter PLAYschool (NB emphasis on PLAY) without the necessary basic knowledge. Yet three-year-olds are known to be excluded from playschools for their ability to swear. How do you square this? Who teaches young children to swear? Who teaches young children to count? Is the government now saying that mothers cannot be trusted to teach their own children? Or are they waking up to the fact that too many children are left in the care of institutions and now these institutions must step up on their surrogate parent roles? In either case, the reasoning is flawed. The government is trea

Garbage in, garbage out

I just thought it might be a bit of fun to sign up for Google AdSense to see what ads they might place on this blog spot. Before you sign up, they tell you that you can filter out undesirable ads. So imagine my shock when I checked the site early Monday morning and found that they have listed pl--t-c b-gs and pap-r stuff like that, on a site that is trying to get people to STOP using p-as-i- ba-s and p-p-r. I'm not spelling those words out in full in the (vain) hope that the Robot crawler that scans the site might be confused and not place any more of those offending ads on the site. In my simple mind, one should be able to write instructions to tell a machine/software to 'exclude', 'negate', 'ignore' etc so that it does not do what it is doing to my site. Imagine a site extolling the virtues of vegetarianism. We live in world of binary opposition. When we talk of vegetables, we often do so as in opposition to me-t (muscle from animals). The Robot, it appear


For those of you (yes, all eight of you!!) who do read this blog, you would know where my stand on plastic is. So why are there GoogleAds on p_a_stic on this site? I don't understand either. But I am getting the technical people to sort it out. Meanwhile, just ignore the 'pl_st_c' ads. Back to Organic-Ally .

Bag it!

I'm delighted that the silk wine gift bags I ordered some four months ago will be available for sale later this week on the Organic-Ally website. Here are some pictures: These bags are made from silk, locally sourced and woven, by women of Tabitha in Cambodia. This organization has been helping the poorest of the poor in this country for the past ten years. Tabitha provides a regular income for widowed mothers, land mine victims, displaced war and famine victims, etc. Every item of craft they produce is unique and beautiful. I had some of these bags for sale at an event promoting 'fair trade' at Milton Keynes last week. The lovely customers there tell me that I was selling these bags too cheaply. Organic-Ally will also be returning all post-tax profits to Tabitha. It is a rare phenomenon these days when the purchase of a lovely object would mean that (1) the producer is genuinely helped, (2) the recipient of this gift would be delighted, and (3) the environment will als

Lazy parent or vindicated?

My son's headmaster drew parents' attention to this report in the Daily Telegraph : The gist of it is that middle-class parents who try to give their children a headstart by filling their children's days with all sorts of 'enhancement' activities (French, dance, piano, violin, swimming, computer, etc) might be stunting their children's development. Children need to develop at their own pace. Filling their days with structured activities does not always guarantee desirable results. Tee-hee! I thought, rubbing my hands together (mentally). Vindicated once again. In Singapore for our first holiday since son's arrival I was trying to get books in Chinese to get him started on a second language. A former professor said, 'Books? Who reads books these days? Get him CD-ROMs. Teach him how to use a computer.' It echoed friends' and neighbours' comments that I should invest

Save Water, Cut Hair

Those readers in the UK who have been following avidly Penney Poyser's series on No Waste Like Home might remember the scene where she shows us how to shower. Yes, wet, soap and rinse. No problem there. But when it comes to hair, her advice was wet, turn off shower, shampoo, and then rinse. We saw footage of her shampooing her beautiful long black hair. My toes froze. The idea is that we do not waste water by leaving the shower on while we shampoo. Easy to do that in the summer, but in the freezing weather, we tend to leave the shower on (I do, I'm afraid), face away from the shower and shampoo while the warm water keeps me, well, warm. This is a far cry from being in Singapore where typically we turn off the shower to soap and shampoo. But it's constantly 33 degrees C out there. In fact I remember when we had droughts and the daily national water consumption and (lack of) rainfall were closely monitored. As we do not have large porcelain/enamel/whatever bath tubs in our l

Forming Good H-A-B-I-T-S

In a previous post I noted the need for people to form a habit for recycling and caring for the environment. Here's a lesson I learned from my Art teacher at 13, and I have never forgotten it. The word HABIT. Take away 'H', and you still have A-BIT. Take away 'A', you are left with BIT Take away 'B', you are still left with IT. You see, HABITS are rather difficult to get rid of. So, let's make sure that we only try to form good habits instead of bad. This is a serious lesson for us parents, I think. Back to Organic-Ally .

No more paper kitchen towels (almost)

I am showing you a picture of my forlorn looking empty kitchen towel roll languishing on its stand. Why? It is testimony to what happens when one switches to cloth table napkins. When this roll was full I didn't think anything of tearing off a sheet or two to clean the table, wipe my mouth, etc. Since reverting to cloth table napkins, we don't actually miss the paper. The down-side is we often get our napkins (in natural unbleached organic cotton) mixed up*. No, to say that we use a clean napkin at every meal would be telling a lie. But if they are used only once at the end of a meal to clean some greasy lips, there is no real need to wash them after each use. *Solution: I'm buying different coloured organic cotton napkins from the Hankettes range so that each member of the family has a different colour napkin. Well, until I am able to find eco-friendly napkin rings that could be personalized. As for cleaning the table, well, I've learned to be less lazy. Because our d

25 hours a day, every day please!

Here in the UK the clocks were put back on Saturday. Effectively we had an extra hour. Sunday mornings are usually manic in our household as we try to have a lie-in (but not too much) and get ready for church. Well, yesterday, despite husband having to drive to Gatwick to make an unexpected pick-up (his brother lost the car keys while on holiday in Florida), son and I actually managed to get things done. We even managed to get on the bus and got to church on time! So having an extra hour a day does help. The problem is: we can't have this extra hour every day. And then we lose that hour come summer. You win some, you lose some. Back to Organic-Ally .