Chinese exploiting Chinese (2)

My right arm is hurting quite a bit, which is probably due to a recurrence of RSI from an excessive use of the computer. So this will be short.

Last week I came across a 'Trading Standards' display at a local shopping centre. Of course I walked up to take a look.

On pirated DVDs

Me: What are you doing about the Chinese vendors selling such DVDs?

Trading Standards Officer: We can't do very much. We take them to court and the judge normally hands down a tiny fine of £20 or £25.

Me: But what can we do for them? It is clear that they are being controlled by a gangmaster.

TSO: That's really a problem with the Immigration Department. We are dealing with the small fry.

Me: So they only get those small fines.

TSO: Sometimes they are jailed for a week or so. But they like being in prison as they are warm and well fed and they each have their own bed, which is more than what they usually get.

Back to Organic-Ally.


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