Gone fishing

Not really, but when I received this email "Hi! I keep up with your blog and see you haven't written since 10th April when you were having trouble due to rsi, are you o.k?", I thought perhaps I should post something.

It is nice to be missed. Thanks, Lyds.

My arm is much better now. Maybe a spell away from the computer (as much as I could) did help. Thanks for the concern.

It's the Easter break and like most parents I've got a little one to look after. Husband has also taken some time off -- which is nice -- and we try to spend family time together.

Have we been "on holiday"? Strictly speaking, no. I find the British have a strange way of using the word "holiday". It always seems to mean going away from home for a short period.

My idea of "holiday" is just not doing the normal chores or following the usual routine for a change. So not waking up every morning at 6am is a holiday for me.

By the British reckoning our family has not been on a foreign holiday for four years. So we are looking forward to the next one.

The problem is "holidays" at home still require laundry to be done and meals to be cooked, etc. I'm blessed with a husband who helps out a lot, especially with the cooking. Still I look forward to not having to worry about cooking, dishes, laundry, etc.

While "resting" my arm, I've also been indulging in sewing.

Son's birthday is round the corner and being half-Chinese, he only gets a birthday party every other year (as us Chinese -- at least in my generation -- do not celebrate birthdays). I've been busy making organic cotton party bags. The irony is I know his mates won't appreciate it.

The last time son had a party I had someone prepare lovely party bags wrapped in eco-friendly cellophane. Still I had one girl complaining, "But I haven't got a party bag." Looks like if it's not plakky with colourful designs on it, it is not a party bag. Sigh. (I do not endorse any of the Googgle ads for plakky party bags that will no doubt pop up here in due course.)

And after having ranted about not being able to buy organic cotton clothes that fit, I've decided to try sewing my own clothes again. The problem with this is I have to buy huge amounts of fabric to make it worthwhile.

If anyone reading this is remotely interested in buying small amounts of fair trade organic cotton fabric, please get in touch. I am also contemplating sewing little girls' dresses to see if anyone might be interested in buying simple one-off pieces that I can make up from remnants here and there. They will certainly not be as expensive as the ones available on the other Web-shops.

The other thing really is I haven't actually thought of anything really profound enough to write about in my blog.

So pardon this rambling.

Back to Organic-Ally.


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